
Rangitoto is always visible from the mainland and its 图标ic shape represents Auckland in the minds of locals and visitors alike.  A mere eight kilometres northeast of the city, it has a causeway which connects it to the smaller Motutapu Island. 

的 island has the largest Pohutukawa forest in the world and visitors can take long or short walks and enjoy the spectacular views of the Hauraki海湾, the Waitemata Harbour and the striking 奥克兰城市 天际线.

的re is no visitor accommodation and facilities are limited.  Toilets are located at the 渡船 wharf and it is advisable to take enough drinking water.  Walking to the summit of the island will take a fairly easy 45 minutes.

A good alterntative is to book the Auckland Explorer Tour with your 渡船 ticket and enjoy transport around the island with good humoured and informative commentary.  的 vehicle takes you close to summit followed by a short but steep 15 minute walk up the Crater Rim Track to the summit.


的 25 minute 渡船 crossing departs from Auckland 渡船 terminal on 99 Quay Street twice a day leaving at 9.上午15时及12时.15pm (9.上午25时及12时.25点 德文波特). 的 渡船 12点从岛上回来.下午45及3时.30pm.